Sunday, February 13, 2011

Craft Deprived

Wow, what a busy couple of weeks.  Last week was getting back to the routine of lunch boxes, packing school bags and 3 sleepy Little Me's not appreciating the rude awakening at 6.30am for school.....I was late for work by a few minutes only once, so quite an achievement.  Then of course at the end of the day it's homework, reading, listening to the days events and trying to get the 3 Little Me's into bed early enough for them not to be so sleepy the next day......roll on end of Term One!!!

Stitching has been a little neglected these last few days - enjoyed our first Material Girls of the year last Monday night and it was lovely to catch up with those who were able to attend.....missed the girls and their pretty projects.  The only thing I have managed is to drop a few stitches into a small piece of fabric when I've been able to grab a few minutes from the craziness of return to school and the long stretch of my three week roster.  Worked this weekend, so next weekend is my three day luxury...and the blessing in all of that - on the Monday the 3 Little Me's are at school - finally a day to myself....woooohoooooo :)

Next post will definately have a photo or two of some projects - finished or not.  Hope all who read this are happy and well.



Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Annie! Just popped in to say thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments. Hope your week is off to a great start ... hope that routine becomes routine enough soon that you're able to get back to your stitching! :0) Enjoy your Monday off ... I usually have Fridays off and they are my fun days! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

Valspierssews said...

Hi Annie, Hopefully things settle down soon. A day to yourself sounds good. Make sure you actually do something for yourself. I am going to join a pincushion swap over at Bubzrugz sounds like fun.

Annie said...

Ahhh lovely ladies and positive comments :) I'm quite excited having new friends....the world wide web sure is pretty good for us crafting ladies. Kris - Friday off....that is only the day after tomorrow - woohoo. Val - pincushion swap sounds like lots of fun - one can never have too many of those - my couch is a giant one.....xoxox

Vicki said...

Sounds like my place and there are no mini mes to get out of bed. Reluctant wakers are not just students, you know :D
See you on Monday 27 at LH's

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